keystone species

“Intelligent Tinkering” - How to Boost Biodiversity at Home (Leopold’s Wise Words Part 2)

“Intelligent Tinkering” - How to Boost Biodiversity at Home  (Leopold’s Wise Words Part 2)

Armed with the right tools and knowledge, we can intelligently tinker to restore the health of our ecosystems and secure a more stable future for wildlife – from bees to bears, and everything in between.

Carnivore Coexistence (Leopold's Wise Words - Part 1)

Carnivore Coexistence (Leopold's Wise Words - Part 1)

Carnivores are critically important to the balance of an ecosystem. They keep prey populations in check, ensuring that rodents, deer, rabbits, and other herbivores don’t overpopulate. When predators are absent or their numbers greatly reduced, herbivores can dominate a natural community, leading to a decline in the abundance and diversity of plants, which means fewer flowers for pollinators (also keystone species), and so on.